Facilities, Faculty of Veterinary Science & Animal Husbandry, Ranchi

Collection of Books – 16,074
Thesis – 482
Journals: India,Foreign – 21
Books donated – 804
Periodicals/Magazines – 06
Xeroxing Machine – 02
Computer with Printer – 02
Readers Visited – 14,495
Books consulted – 27,353
Tel.No | |
0651-2450912 0651-2450777 (FAX) 0651-2450815 (FAX) | 5 Years |
Lecture Theatres: Five lecture theatres with audio visual and suitable black boards.
Model Lecture Theatre: This lecture theatre is renovated keeping in view the aura and environment particularly for different Post Graduate students seminar and invited lectures. This lecture theatre is equipped with modern audio-visual aids. The hall in front of the model lecture theatre is converted into Browsing Room where discussion among the faculty members on different aspects of the delivered lectures is held and suggestions for further improvement are taken care of.
Hatchery Unit with Brooder House: One hatchery was established through which new hatched of birds are being developed to maintain the continuity of different farm units and for the entrepreneurs.
Establishment of fish Hatchery Complex for Education, Research & Extension: Altogether 15 lacs seed has been produced in first year and sold to farmers for culture.

Referral Veterinary clinics with advanced diagnostic lab: Clinical complex has been completely renovated & strengthened with almost all necessary equipments which have made the disease diagnostic process easy end also accurate. Recently one intensive care unit has been started in order to take extra clinical care of difficult cases like kidney failure etc.
ARIS Cell: The ARIS cell has been strengthened with a0 computers and internet facilities for the students and faculty members.
National Cadet Core (NCC): One Unit of NCC was established during the year 2005. The U.G. students have involved themselves in this programme. The idea is to develop a sense of discipline amongst the students. This will also help them in achieving their career in Remount Veterinary Corps.
Establishment of Department of Aquaculture: New Department of aquaculture was started during late 2003 with the approval of Birsa Agricultural University and permission of State Agriculture Department. Two new programmes viz. Certificate course and Diploma course in fishery have been started. This has helped the village youth in gaining proficiency in this area and self employment. Hachery complex has also been established for supply of fish seeds to the rural sector.

Instructional Farm Units: As per VCI regulation all types of animal, avian & fisheries farms are essential for effective teaching of UG/PG students. To maintain the standard of teaching and for educating the entrepreneur, twelve different types of farms have been developed in the faculty. Now the students do not face any problem in studies & research. These farms are unique and first of its kind in this part of the globe and are being appreciated by all visiting personalities.
Extension Education

Satellite Vety. Dispensaries: For effective training of students & benefits of farmers two satellite Veterinary Dispensaries in villages (Kutchu & Haradu) have been started in the year 2004. The students along with teachers visit the centres on fixed days & attend the patients brought by farmers. This has helped in developing confidence level of students and has been equally beneficial for the livestock & poultry owners as they get timely vaccination & treatment services for their livestock & poultry.
Ornamental Birds: There is good demand of ornamental birds among the bird lovers. The women are trained in keeping and maintenance the ornamental birds.
Products preparation from desi cattle waste: For more earning there is a training programme for utilizing the cattle waste in preparation of dhoop, agarbatti and various compost, soap, shampoo, phenyle, cow urine panchgavya for this purpose a group of 25 desi cattle farm has been established. Nine MVSE research projects on the use of cattle waste have been completed with encouraging results.
Veterinary Care Campus: Regular Veterinary Care campus in rural areas on demand are being organized for the benefit of the students & farmers alike.
Continued Veterinary Education (CVE) Programme:
Continued Veterinary Education Programme was initiated in January 2004 and is continuing. Field veterinarian have been benefited through this programme. It is being run with the financial support of Department of Animal Husbandry, Govt. of Jharkhand.
Entrepreneurship Development Programme: The slogan “Earn While Learn” floated in the air is echoed from remote villages. This Programme was started was started October 2003 on a regular basis. Many marginal farmers & landless labourers ( 2000) including farm women & village youth have been benefited. They are being trained as per their interest (Piggery, goatry, poultry, fishery, dairy etc) in the farm house of the college. Many of them are running their own farms after training and have become financially independent. This programme has been and is being sponsored by different organization like ATMA of different districts, Soil conversation, NATP, Nehru Yuva Kendra, International health organization, Boston, USA, DRDA, TSRDS, SHG groups, Block Development officers, world Vision, etc. through this training the faculty is also benefited by collecting information about the practices being followed by rural populace of different districts for treatment of their livestock & poultry. These herbs are being tested for their efficacy in the department of Phramacology. A total of 79 batches of twenty each under this sponsored programme have been completed. Besides these sponsored programmes sufficient number of farm women, landless laborers & village youth are coming regularly for different training under unsponsored training programmes. Upon depositing a nominal fee they start their training from the same day in the farm of their choice.
The system of training is through “I learning by doing” in which the trainees are allocated sheds in the farm unit of the their choice where they manage the animals/birds as the case may be. For farm women under sponsored programme there is provision for blood check up to educate them about their health. Women coming from villages are feeling handicapped in learning having child in their lap and so a room is provided named Bachapan with toys and biscuits for the children coming with their mother in the training programme. The children are engaged in Banchapan during the training classes. Most of the farm women are illiterate and cannot understand the language properly. Faculty has provided an interpreter who translate the matters during evening hours in their own kanguage and made them understood. There is provision for video films on different topics of Animal husbandry to educate the trainees in better way.
The system of training is through “I learning by doing” in which the trainees are allocated sheds in the farm unit of the their choice where they manage the animals/birds as the case may be. For farm women under sponsored programme there is provision for blood check up to educate them about their health. Women coming from villages are feeling handicapped in learning having child in their lap and so a room is provided named Bachapan with toys and biscuits for the children coming with their mother in the training programme. The children are engaged in Banchapan during the training classes. Most of the farm women are illiterate and cannot understand the language properly. Faculty has provided an interpreter who translate the matters during evening hours in their own kanguage and made them understood. There is provision for video films on different topics of Animal husbandry to educate the trainees in better way.
Recently two more training programmes particularly for farm woman have been initiated;
1. Ornamental Fishery: Under this programme the members are trained in aquarium making and rearing of different types of colorful fishes. During recent years the demand for aquarium with ornamental fishes has increased. Trained personnels are required frequently for maintenance of such aquariums in different households.

2. Ornamental Birds: There is good demand of ornamental birds among the bird lovers. The women are trained in keeping and maintenance the ornamental birds.
3. Products preparation from desi cattle waste: For more earning there is a training programme for utilizing the cattle waste in preparation of dhoop, agarbatti and various compost, soap, shampoo, phenyle, cow urine panchgavya for this purpose a group of 25 desi cattle farm has been established. Nine MVSE research projects on the use of cattle waste have been completed with encouraging results.